Artists - Pia Skogberg

Pia Skogberg arbejder i krydsfeltet mellem tegning, grafik, broderi og skulptur. Hun undersøger kontinuerligt, hvordan forskellige motiver/modeller kan opskaleres og fungere i andre teknikker samt integreres til et samlet udtryk. Skogberg bruger primært tekstile genbrugsmaterialer samt tråd, pap og træ.

Medlem af: BKF, Danske Grafiker, Kvindelige Kunstneres Samfund.

Uddannelse: BA i kunsthistorie

Pia Skogberg works in the intersection between drawing, graphic prints, embroidery and sculpture, with the aim to integrate the different techniques into one expression. She has an ongoing artistic research on scales, enlarging and expanding using recycled and secondhand materials.

Member of: Danish Visual Artists, The Danish Printmakers Association, The Danish Women’s Artist Association.

Education: BA in Art History